Podcast recomendados
Aimar Bretos
Carles Francino
Àngels Barceló
Manu Carreño
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This venue in Lisbon, Portugal has played host to some of the worlds top musicians from Metallica to Elton John. Optimus Alive is held here every year and produces some of the worlds best acts. The location is near a beach which provides an excellent backdrop to a concert.
For information on trains, please visit www.cp.pt
From the airport Get to '2a Circular', direction 'Benfica', take the exit 'Eixo Norte-Sul' going South. Go through 'Eixo Norte-Sul' and take the exit to 'IC17' and go ahead to 'Alges' and take that exit. From the centre of Lisbon Go to 'Praca de Espanha', go to 'Avenida de Ceuta' until it ends, in 'Alcantara'. In 'Alcantara' turn to 'Avenida da India' and go all the way ahead in that road ('Marginal'). Exit in 'Alges'.
15E (Tram - Praca Figueira - Alges) - www.carris.pt/pt/electrico/15E/ascendente/ 723 (Desterro - Alges) - www.carris.pt/pt/autocarro/723/ascendente/ 729 (Bo P. Cruz - Alges) - www.carris.pt/pt/autocarro/729/ascendente/ 750 (Estacao Oriente - Alges) - www.carris.pt/pt/autocarro/750/ascendente/ 751 (Campolide - Linda-a-Velha) - www.carris.pt/pt/autocarro/751/ascendente/ 201 (night bus - Cais Sodre - Linda a Velha) - www.carris.pt/pt/autocarro/201/ascendente/